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The Toytown Fire Engine
Designed to be used by children in their first six months of school PM Starters One and Two
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Jordan's Lucky Day
Designed to be used by children in their first six months of school PM Starters One and Two
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Big Shapes and Little Shapes
Using circles, squares, triangles and rectangles, two children show differences in size and shape.
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We Can See Three
Three children make a toy farm, consisting of three enclosures. They each select a group of three animals of the same species, and place these groups in separate enclosures.
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PM Starters Two
Two children enjoy running, swinging, crawling and jumping. Suggested level: junior.
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Barney Owl
It is day time and Barney Owl doesn't want to go to sleep.
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The Big Balloon Festival
Designed to be used by children in their first six months of school PM Starters One and Two
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The Toytown Helicopter
Designed to be used by children in their first six months of school PM Starters One and Two
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Hide and Seek
Nick, James and Kate are playing hide and seek with their dad.
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The Skipping Rope
Designed to be used by children in their first six months of school PM Starters One and Two
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