The She Wolf Was Here
Publisher, Author, Editor, Mentor, and Friend, Jennifer L. Miller wore many hats in her too short life, and she is missed terribly by her mourning band of word weavers. We watched her for eleven years, slaving away, creating fantastical fiction anthologies, filled with the tales of amateur and professional writers alike, all for the amazing cause of donating to the American Cancer Society. Now, it is our turn to pay Jenna back for all that she has done. All of the proceeds from the sales of this collaborative effort, will be donated to the American Cancer Society, per the family's request, given in Jenna and her daughter's names. Please enjoy these original pieces by some of your favorite "Ladies and Gents Anthologies" authors, and help us celebrate the life of this unforgettable woman. Cover Art by: W. Freedreamer Tinkanesh. "The Blue Wolf"Contributions by: Robert J. Leuthold, David Rex Bonnewell, Mel Chesley, Grigori T. Cross, Joseph DeRepentigny, W. Freedreamer Tinkanesh, Shebat Legion, David Lingbloom, Colin M. Maguire, Hydra M. Star, Ronald J. Murray, Sandra Rozanski, Rick Powell, and Jezzy Wolfe.