Fundamentals of Ground Improvement Engineering
Ground improvement has been one of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving areas of geotechnical engineering and construction over the past 40 years. The need to develop sites with marginal soils has made ground improvement an increasingly important core component of geotechnical engineering curricula. Fundamentals of Ground Improvement Engineering addresses the most effective and latest cutting-edge techniques for ground improvement. Key ground improvement methods are introduced that provide readers with a thorough understanding of the theory, design principles, and construction approaches that underpin each method. Major topics are compaction, permeation grouting, vibratory methods, soil mixing, stabilization and solidification, cutoff walls, dewatering, consolidation, geosynthetics, jet grouting, ground freezing, compaction grouting, and earth retention. The book is ideal for undergraduate and graduate-level university students, as well as practitioners seeking fundamental background in these techniques. The numerous problems, with worked examples, photographs, schematics, charts and graphs make it an excellent reference and teaching tool.