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Domesticating Slavery
Domesticating Slavery
In this carefully crafted work, Jeffrey Young illuminates southern slaveholders' strange and tragic path toward a defiantly sectional mentality. Drawing on a wealth of archival evidence and integrating political, religious, economic, and literary sources, he chronicles the growth of a slaveowning culture that cast the southern planter in the role of benevolent Christian steward--even as slaveholders were brutally exploiting their slaves for maximum fiscal gain. Domesticating Slavery offers a surprising answer to the long-standing question about slaveholders' relationship with the proliferating capitalistic markets of early-nineteenth-century America. Whereas previous scholars have depicted southern planters either as efficient businessmen who embraced market economics or as paternalists whose ideals placed them at odds with the industrializing capitalist society in the North, Young instead demonstrates how capitalism and paternalism acted together in unexpected ways to shape slaveholders' identity as a ruling elite. Beginning with slaveowners' responses to British imperialism in the colonial period and ending with the sectional crises of the 1830s, he traces the rise of a self-consciously southern master class in the Deep South and the attendant growth of political tensions that would eventually shatter the union.
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What Makes a Social Crisis?
What Makes a Social Crisis?
In this book Jeffrey Alexander develops a new sociological theory of social crisis and applies it to a wide range of cases, from the church paedophilia crisis to the #MeToo movement. He argues that crises are triggered not by objective social strains but by the discourse and institutions of the civil sphere. When strains become subject to the utopian aspirations of the civil sphere, there emerges widespread anguish about social justice and the future of democratic life. Once admired institutional elites come to be represented as perpetrators and the civil sphere becomes legally and organizationally intrusive, demanding repairs in the name of civil purification. Resisting such repair, institutional elites foment backlash, and a war of the spheres ensues. This major new work by one of the world’s leading social theorists will be of great interest to students and scholars in sociology, politics, and the social sciences generally.
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Principles of Hand Surgery and Therapy E-Book
Principles of Hand Surgery and Therapy E-Book
Ideal for hand surgeons, residents in a hand surgery rotation, and therapists interested in a review of surgical principles, Principles of Hand Surgery and Therapy, 3rd Edition, by Drs. Thomas E. Trumble, Ghazi M. Rayan, Mark E. Baratz, Jeffrey E. Budoff, and David J. Slutsky, is a practical source of essential, up-to-date information in this specialized area. This single-volume, highly illustrated manual covers all areas of adult and pediatric hand surgery and therapy, including the elbow. You’ll find state-of-the-art basic science combined with step-by-step techniques and therapeutic protocols, helping you hone your skills and prescribe effective long-term care for every patient. An expanded therapy section with more than 50 diagnosis-specific rehabilitation protocols and more than 100 full-color photographs. New chapters on pediatric fractures; expanded coverage of carpal injuries, including fractures and ligament injuries and perilunate instability; a new chapter on diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy for wrist injuries; and expanded treatment of arthritis. New information on pediatric surgery with detailed surgical images. The latest information on pain management, as well as nerve physiology and nerve transfers. Core knowledge needed for the boards—including tumors, free tissue transfer, and thumb reconstruction. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability.
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Motor Behavior
Motor Behavior
Ives' "Motor Behavior" takes a functional approach to motor control and learning that is in keeping with the modern use and understanding of these topics. This title is truly unique in that it goes beyond just explaining motor control and motor learning to help students understand how these disciplines interact with each other to affect behavior. Throughout the text, the interaction between the mind and the body and how these come together in the context of practice, training, and performance is presented. The book provides not only clear, research-based examples, but also provides step by step guidelines for implementation of mind and body training.
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If You Should Go at Midnight
If You Should Go at Midnight
Tonight, across America, countless people will embark on an adventure. They will prowl among overgrown headstones in forgotten graveyards, stalk through darkened woods and wildlands, and creep down the crumbling corridors of abandoned buildings. They have set forth in search of a profound paranormal experience and may seem to achieve just that. They are part of the growing cultural phenomenon called legend tripping. In If You Should Go at Midnight: Legends and Legend Tripping in America, author Jeffrey S. Debies-Carl guides readers through an exploration of legend tripping, drawing on years of scholarship, documentary accounts, and his own extensive fieldwork. Poring over old reports and legends, sleeping in haunted inns, and trekking through wilderness full of cannibal mutants and strange beasts, Debies-Carl provides an in-depth analysis of this practice that has long fascinated scholars yet remains a mystery to many observers. Debies-Carl argues that legend trips are important social practices. Unlike traditional rites of passage, they reflect the modern world, revealing both its problems and its virtues. In society as well as in legend tripping, there is ambiguity, conflict, crisis of meaning, and the substitution of debate for social consensus. Conversely, both emphasize individual agency and values, even in spiritual matters. While people still need meaningful and transformative experiences, authoritative, traditional institutions are less capable of providing them. Instead, legend trippers voluntarily search for individually meaningful experiences and actively participate in shaping and interpreting those experiences for themselves.
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Computer Graphics
Computer Graphics
Computer Graphics & Graphics Applications
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The Sauropods
The Sauropods
"This is the most comprehensive overview and analysis of sauropod dinosaurs ever written."—Jason Head, Department of Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution
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Health Psychology, with eBook Access Code
Health Psychology, with eBook Access Code
BRINGS THEORY AND RESEARCH TOGETHER IN PRACTICE TO HELP READERS ADOPT HEALTHIER BEHAVIORS Health Psychology: Applying Psychological Science to Health and Wellness brings the contributions of health psychologists to students with an approach that makes their study of the subject personally meaningful. Encouraging students to examine their own health-related behaviors and attitudes, the text presents students with the latest research findings that inform our understanding of the interrelationships between psychology and health. This easily accessible textbook covers topics traditionally addressed in a health psychology course, as well as broad and deep coverage of important health-related issues relating to reproductive, sexual, and psychological health. Dedicated chapters provide the context for many health issues, such as sexually transmitted infections and their prevention, behavioral aspects of reproductive health, decision making about reproductive options, sexual dysfunctions, and psychological health issues viewed from the biopsychosocial perspective. Throughout the text, the authors use a personal writing style that injects a bit of humor to engage student readers, all the while keeping a focus on developing healthier behaviors that anyone can apply in their daily lives. AN INTERACTIVE, MULTIMEDIA LEARNING EXPERIENCE This textbook includes access to an interactive, multimedia e-text. Icons throughout the print book signal corresponding digital content in the e-text. Concept and Topic Videos Throughout the enhanced e-text, students will find a variety of videos that complement the reading with brief explorations of general psychology concepts that are relevant to the discussions of health psychology. Animations A variety of engaging animations illustrate concepts from a real-world, sometimes humorous perspective. Interactive Self-Assessments Self-scoring questionnaires stimulate interest and provide self-insight. Appearing throughout the enhanced e-text, these exercises help students satisfy their curiosity about themselves and enhance the relevance of the text to their lives. Interactive Figures, Charts, and Tables Integrated throughout the enhanced e-text, interactive figures, diagrams, and other illustrations engage students to facilitate study and strengthen retention of important information. Interactive Self-Scoring Quizzes Students can check their answers to the Review questions at the end of each major chapter section instantly and an end-of-chapter Practice Quiz helps prepare for graded assignments and exams.
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Understanding Human Evolution
Understanding Human Evolution
For the one-term course in human evolution, paleoanthropology, or fossil hominins taught at the junior/senior level in departments of anthropology or biology.This new edition provides a comprehensive overview to the field of paleoanthropology–the study of human evolution by analyzing fossil remains. It includes the latest fossil finds, attempts to place humans into the context of geological and biological change on the planet, and presents current controversies in an even-handed manner.
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A Bibliographic Guide to Resources in Scientific Computing, 1945-1975
A Bibliographic Guide to Resources in Scientific Computing, 1945-1975
An essential contribution to the study of the history of computers, this work identifies the computer's impact on the physical, biological, cognitive, and medical sciences. References fundamental to the understudied area of the history of scientific computing also document the significant role of the sciences in helping to shape the development of computer technology. More broadly, the many resources on scientific computing help demonstrate how the computer was the most significant scientific instrument of the 20th century. The only guide of its kind covering the use and impact of computers on the the physical, biological, medical, and cognitive sciences, it contains more than 1,000 annotated citations to carefully selected secondary and primary resources. Historians of technology and science will find this a very useful resource. Computer scientists, physicians, biologists, chemists, and geologists will also benefit from this extensive bibliography on the history of computer applications and the sciences.
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