Signs and Symptoms in Family Medicine
Signs and Symptoms in Family Medicine, by Paul M. Paulman, MD et al, provides a unique evidence-based approach to diagnosis based on presenting signs. Focusing on the most common diagnoses observed in a medical practice, the book helps you "think horses, not zebras." A rating system for the sensitivity and specificity of the signs, symptoms, and diagnostic tests aids in the development of a focused and accurate differential diagnosis. This handy, take-along guide is ideal for quick reference at the bedside or a refresher while prepping for the boards. Confidently diagnose and treat common illnesses and conditions using an evidence-based, systematic approach. A unique ratings system indicates how frequently various symptoms and signs are associated with a particular diagnosis. Easily find what you need with consistently organized chapters and an at-a-glance bulleted format. "Think horses, not zebras" with a focus on the most frequently encountered diagnoses. Rule out the most serious possibilities quickly with differential diagnoses listed in descending order of severity. Review symptoms, signs, suggested work-up, and patient disposition for each diagnosis. Patients present with symptoms, not diagnoses