Florida Rural Broadband Alliance (FRBA), Florida Rural Middle Mile Networks - Northwest and South Central Regions Project
"The Information Use Management and Policy Institute (Information Institute) at Florida State University has been conducting a number of activities in fulfillment of its award from the Florida Rural Broadband Alliance (FRBA) to conduct work in support of its $23 million Rural Middle Mile Networks project between January 1, 2011 and July 31, 2011. These activities are needs assessment, benchmarking, and onsite diagnostics at selected anchor institutions in the FRBA service area: the 8-county Northwest Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC), the 6-county South Central RACEC, and the City of Immokalee (Collier County). This second interim report provides a summary of project activities during this project period (January 1, 2011 - July 31, 2011) and descriptions of planned activities for the remainder of the project (August 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011)"--Page 2.