Poetry / Inspiration / Philosophy / Self-Help Love notes for the soul and the road since 2003! Perfect gift of love, self-help, poetry and positive philosophy all in one with these books! 366 original simple short poems in each book that will touch everybody's heart. "To the Beautiful People of Japan, and more specifically to their incredible resilience, in loving memory of all the good souls taken too early by the earthquake and tsunami of 2011. Love, always." Jean Mercier ----- Teachers and Students: The author authorizes the use of this book in your classroom. "Write a few rhymes on any of mine, drop them on any of my sites, (Vimeo, Facebook, YouTube) I will likely answer you!" - Jean Mercier ----- IMAGINE SOCIETY: A POEM A DAY, Volume 7 from Canadian poet Jean Mercier offers a selection written while visiting Okinawa islands and mainland Japan, Taiwan and South Korea in 2010-2011, published through the web series Jean Mercier's A Poem A Day co-created by Jean Mercier and Junichiro Kuniyoshi. This Canadian book is printed locally when needed, for prompt delivery by Create Space, an company. Watercolour by Colette Mercier. A message from the author: By ordering my books through Create Space (also an AMAZON company, but partner with the publisher) you also help us more as AMAZON pays us a little more for the reference. Want them all? The author gets a little more when you buy it here on CreateSpace. Find the Volume 1 of this series at: https: //, Vol. 2 at: https: // Vol. 3 at: https: // Vol 4 at: https: // Vol 5 at: https: // Vol 6 at: https: // Vol 7 at: https: // Vol 8 at: https: // Vol 9 at: https: // Vol 10 at: https: // Thank you in advance for your kindness. Please leave us comments or write anytime through my Facebook page or by email. I'd love to hear from you!