XIVth International Congress on Mathematical Physics
In 2003 the XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics (ICMP) was held in Lisbon with more than 500 participants. Twelve plenary talks were given in various fields of Mathematical Physics: E Carlen On the relation between the Master equation and the Boltzmann Equation in Kinetic Theory; A Chenciner Symmetries and "simple" solutions of the classical n-body problem; M J Esteban Relativistic models in atomic and molecular physics; K Fredenhagen Locally covariant quantum field theory; K Gawedzki Simple models of turbulent transport; I Krichever Algebraic versus Liouville integrability of the soliton systems; R V Moody Long-range order and diffraction in mathematical quasicrystals; S Smirnov Critical percolation and conformal invariance; J P Solovej The energy of charged matter; V Schomerus Strings through the microscope; C Villani Entropy production and convergence to equilibrium for the Boltzmann equation; D Voiculescu Aspects of free probability. ICMP 2003 also included invited talks by: H Eliasson, W Schlag, M Shub, P Dorey, J M Maillet, K McLaughlin, A Nakayashiki, A Okounkov, G M Graf, R Seiringer, S Teufel, J Imbrie, D Ioffe, H Knoerrer, D Bernard, J Dimock, C J Fewster, T Thiemann, F Benatti, D Evans, Y Kawahigashi, C King, B Julia, N Nekrasov, P Townsend, D Bambusi, M Hairer, V Kaloshin, G Schneider, A Shirikyan, P Bizon, H Bray, H Ringstrom, L Barreira, L Rey-Bellet, C Forster, P Gaspard, F Golse, T Chen, P Exner, T Ichinose, V Kostrykin, E Skibsted, G Stolz, D Yafaev, V A Zagrebnov, R Leandre, T Levy, S Mazzuchi, H Owhadi, M Roeckner and A Sengupta. Key Features Provides a list of the most recent progress in all fields of Mathematical Physics; Written by the best international experts in these fields; Indicates the "hot" directions of research in Mathematical Physics for years to come; Readership: Mathematical physicists, mathematicians and theoretical physicists.