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Baptêmes, mariages et sépultures, paroisse St-Gabriel (Gloucester), Ottawa, Ontario, 1957-2002
Baptêmes, mariages et sépultures, paroisse St-Gabriel (Gloucester), Ottawa, Ontario, 1957-2002
Le canton de Gloucester est devenu la ville de Gloucester en 1981 et puis a été rattachée à Ottawa en 2001.
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The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Essays: second series
The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Essays: second series
Emerson's second collection of essays appeared in 1844, when he was forty-one. It includes eight essays--"The Poet," "Experience," "Character," "Manners," "Gifts," "Nature," "Politics," and "Nominalist and Realist"--and one address, the much misunderstood "New England Reformers." Essays: Second Series has a lightness of tone and an irony absent from the earlier writings, but it is no less memorable: "a sermon to me," Carlyle wrote, "a real word." The present edition, drawing on the vast body of Emerson scholarship of the last forty years, incorporates all the textual changes Emerson made or demonstrably intended to make after 1844. It records variant wordings and recounts the development of the text before and after publication. A list of parallel passages makes it possible to trace Emerson's extensive use of material from his journals, notebooks, and lectures. Endnotes provide information about people, events, and now-obscure terms. A brief historical introduction places the book in the context of the years during which it was written, the time of Brook Farm, The Dial, and the death of Emerson's five year-old son. Historical Introduction and Notes by Joseph Slater Text Established by Alfred R. Ferguson and Jean Ferguson Carr Textual Introduction and Apparatus by Jean Ferguson Carr
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Wake Up With Purpose!
Wake Up With Purpose!
Known to millions as simply "Sister Jean," the Loyola Chicago matriarch and college basketball icon invites you into her remarkable memoir filled with history, wonder, and common-sense wisdom for this century and beyond. As Sister Jean wisely says, "I've seen so many changes in the last 102 years, but the important things remain the same." Part life story, part philosophy text, and part spiritual guide, Sister Jean's wit, wisdom, and common sense has broad appeal and application that transcends religious creed, belief, and even feelings on Loyola's basketball team. Along with her collaborator Seth Davis, an award-winning writer, broadcaster and New York Times best-selling author, Wake Up with Purpose! lets you experience: Sister Jean's words and her spirit. her sharp sense of humor. life lessons gleaned from one hundred years of living. universal themes that connect us all. priceless wisdom. The driving force inside Wake Up with Purpose! is the narrative of Sister Jean's fascinating life--from teaching at a Catholic school during the Second World War to serving on a Chicago college campus in the sixties and beyond to cheering from the sidelines of a men's basketball tournament in March 2018. As you learn about Sister Jean's century-long life, you'll feel just like the Loyola students do when they knock on her office door, plop down in a chair, and ask if she would have time to chat, an activity that she still does daily.
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Health Professionals on Screen
Health Professionals on Screen
Over the years the representation of medical personnel has varied from heroes to villains, madmen to bumbling boobs, money grubbers to humanitarians, and compassionate savers to aloof snobs. This comprehensive resource documents all significant appearances of health professionals on film or television.
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Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
Nonlinear Dispersive Equations are partial differential equations that naturally arise in physical settings where dispersion dominates dissipation, notably hydrodynamics, nonlinear optics, plasma physics and Bose–Einstein condensates. The topic has traditionally been approached in different ways, from the perspective of modeling of physical phenomena, to that of the theory of partial differential equations, or as part of the theory of integrable systems. This monograph offers a thorough introduction to the topic, uniting the modeling, PDE and integrable systems approaches for the first time in book form. The presentation focuses on three "universal" families of physically relevant equations endowed with a completely integrable member: the Benjamin–Ono, Davey–Stewartson, and Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equations. These asymptotic models are rigorously derived and qualitative properties such as soliton resolution are studied in detail in both integrable and non-integrable models. Numerical simulations are presented throughout to illustrate interesting phenomena. By presenting and comparing results from different fields, the book aims to stimulate scientific interactions and attract new students and researchers to the topic. To facilitate this, the chapters can be read largely independently of each other and the prerequisites have been limited to introductory courses in PDE theory.
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Advances in Geometry
Advances in Geometry
This book is an outgrowth of the activities of the Center for Geometry and Mathematical Physics (CGMP) at Penn State from 1996 to 1998. The Center was created in the Mathematics Department at Penn State in the fall of 1996 for the purpose of promoting and supporting the activities of researchers and students in and around geometry and physics at the university. The CGMP brings many visitors to Penn State and has ties with other research groups; it organizes weekly seminars as well as annual workshops The book contains 17 contributed articles on current research topics in a variety of fields: symplectic geometry, quantization, quantum groups, algebraic geometry, algebraic groups and invariant theory, and character istic classes. Most of the 20 authors have talked at Penn State about their research. Their articles present new results or discuss interesting perspec tives on recent work. All the articles have been refereed in the regular fashion of excellent scientific journals. Symplectic geometry, quantization and quantum groups is one main theme of the book. Several authors study deformation quantization. As tashkevich generalizes Karabegov's deformation quantization of Kahler manifolds to symplectic manifolds admitting two transverse polarizations, and studies the moment map in the case of semisimple coadjoint orbits. Bieliavsky constructs an explicit star-product on holonomy reducible sym metric coadjoint orbits of a simple Lie group, and he shows how to con struct a star-representation which has interesting holomorphic properties.
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1881 Census
1881 Census
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