Your Jesus Is Too Safe
Our contemporary culture has seduced the church into packaging Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as appetizingly marketable forgeries. We've had the Hippie Jesus, and the Postcard Jesus. We now offer the Grammy Award Jesus, the Therapist Jesus, the Get-out-of-Hell-Free Jesus, the Key-to-Wealth Jesus, the Role Model Jesus, the Buddy Jesus . . . and a host of others. Skillfully and honestly, Jared Wilson wants to introduce readers to the real Jesus. Cutting through the glossy, modern misconceptions of Jesus, they will discover the original, raw, honest Jesus who confronted the very religious heresies that have spawned today's pseudo-Jesuses. Sometimes controversial, sometimes humorous, but always frank and forthright, Your Jesus Is Too Safechallenges you to embrace the true and living Christ whose mission is to revolutionize--not fit into--the world that we inhabit.