Project X: Invasion: Pack of 5 (1 of Each Title)
In this cluster Max and Cat's classroom is invaded by insects in Buzz Off!, Max can't get away from his sister to read his comic in peace and in Alien Invasion aliens plan an attack on earth. Can Billy stop them? In the two non fiction titles in this cluster, find out about animals that invade where we live in When Animals Invade and about germs that invade our bodies in Body Invaders.Each book comes with notes for parents that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities. The Invasion Guided Reading Notes provide step-by-step guided reading support for each book in the Invasion cluster, together with guidance about comprehension, assessment for learning and vocabulary enrichment. Hands-on follow-up activities and cross-curricular links are also provided for each book.