Learning To Counsel, 3rd Edition
he new edition of this popular and userfriendly book has been thoughtfully revised, updated and expanded. Fresh informationhas been added to keep pace with the rapidly advancing field of counselling and psychotherapy.Learning to Counsel, Third Edition, contains an abundance of illustrative graphics, case studies, examples of skills in practice, practical exercises, and sample letters, forms and checklists designed to stimulate learning. Its predecessor appears onthe recommended reading list of several counselling certificate courses.This new revised edition is an ideal text for those contemplating embarking on a counselling course, trainee counsellors, counselling tutors to use in training, professionals working in the area of health care, management, and education, and counsellors working in the voluntary sector. Contents: Illustrations, table, sample forms and letters; Foreword; Preface; 1. Exploring Counselling; 2. Exploring Essential Counsellor Qualities; 3. Developing Self-Awareness; 4. Helping the Client Feel Safe; 5. Helping the Client Explore the Problem (Part 1); 6. Helping the Client Explore the Problem (Part 2); 7. Helping the Client Understand the Problem; 8. Helping the Client Resolve the Problem; 9. Terminating the Counselling Relationship; 10. Counsellor Self-Care; Appendix 1 Sample Forms and Letters; Appendix 2 Suggested Responses to Exercises; Appendix 3 Important People in the Development of Counselling; Glossary; Useful Websites; Further Reading; Index.