Entering the Kingdom
Enter the Kingdom of God Yet another work from the famous and fantastic writer of the 20th century, James Allen. He talks about and touches the following topics: How we long for righteousness at a soul level Competitive mindset of people Can an unselfish love be the panacea we are all seeking to our difficulties and problems How can we accumulate the essential blessings of a happy life? What emotions must we abandon-and which should we embrace-to find joy? In this crisp, cheerful little book, he explores the possibilities of contentment and comfort the answers bring. A classic of spiritual succor, first published in 1908, this is as vital and as necessary a work as it was a century ago. Some Nuggets From the Book: 1. Let him therefore press on courageously, heeding neither the revilings of his friends without nor the clamourings of his enemies within; aspiring, searching, striving; looking ever toward his Ideal with eyes of holy love.... 2. All the effort he puts forth being now free from strife, he obtains all that is necessary for his well-being, without pain, anxiety, or fear. He has almost entirely transcended the competitive laws, and the Law of Love is now the governing factor in his life, adjusting all his worldly affairs harmoniously, and without struggle or difficulty on his part. 3. But all who believe and aspire to achieve will sooner or later arrive at victory if, amid all their worldly duties, they faint not, nor lose sight of the Ideal Goodness, and continue, with unshaken resolve to "press on to Perfection." 4. They are never troubled about "making a living," as they are Life itself, living in the very Heart of Life; and should any material or other need arise, that need is immediately supplied without any anxiety or struggle on their part. 5. They perform all their duties with the most scrupulous diligence, apart from thoughts of self, and employ all their means, as well as powers and faculties, which are greatly intensified, in building up the Kingdom of Righteousness in the hearts of others and in the world around them. Book Chapters: 1. The Soul's Great Need 2. The Competitive Laws and the Law of Love 3. The Finding of a Principle 4. At Rest in the Kingdom and All Things Added Scroll Up and Get Your Copy! James Allen's Books: 1. The Heavenly Lifehttps://www.createspace.com/6384480 2. The Path of Prosperityhttps://www.createspace.com/6384431 3. The Mastery of Destinyhttps://www.createspace.com/6377525 4. The Way of Peacehttps://www.createspace.com/6384388 5. The Life Triumphant: Mastering the Heart & Mindhttps://www.createspace.com/6377813