Invest Like the Best
"Now, complete access to the lucrative investment strategies of today's stock market aces is only a keystroke away. With this remarkable book and disk, you'll easily uncover the stock-picking strategies of the nation's top money managers and learn how to use your computer to emulate the portfolios of Wall Street's wizards in your stock trading." "Invest Like The Best shows you how to pattern your investment program on the methods of today's legendary stock pickers, from Peter Lynch to John Templeton. It does so by marrying James O'Shaughnessy's pioneering quantitative investing techniques with the data crunching power of Value Line's Value/Screen III investment software." "In minutes, you'll learn how to configure your PC to analyze and emulate the investing style of the money manager(s) of your choice. You'll discover which quantitative core factors - cash position, P/E ratio, safety rank, yield, book value, and more - the pros rely on to consistently pinpoint and select the top stocks. And you'll gain strategic insights into how their specific investing styles - from growth to value - impact their performance. More, you'll see exactly which factors consistently show up in top managers' portfolios and how to use them to beat the street." "From here, Invest Like the Best offers step-by-step guidelines and helpful templates for building simple, stable, reliable computer-based stock-picking models based on the masters' standards. Illustrative graphs and solid, concrete advice help you assess your strategy's variability and risk-adjusted return, then closely monitor its ongoing performance. For exceptional results, you'll create a hybrid investing strategy that combines the best elements of various money managers' styles - and outperforms them all." "Before you make your next investment decision, turn to Invest Like the Best and discover how to choose the optimum stock-picking strategies that fall within your risk-tolerance; identify and avoid a bad money manager before you commit your assets; diversify against an investment style falling out of favor and to lower overall portfolio risks; determine if your current mutual fund is changing its investment style, for better or worse; and systematically analyze stock market advice from any source - be it a mutual fund, newsletter, book, or broker." "Invest Like the Best is for every computerized investor who craves the winning edge of high returns and reduced investment risk. By enabling you to analyze and duplicate the profit-driven strategies of today's stock market gurus, it delivers the performance advantage you need to pick portfolios that consistently tear up the market."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved