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Economic Geology of the Keysville Quadrangle, Florida
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Economic Geology of the Fort Meade Quadrangle, Polk and Hardee Counties, Florida
A study of the phosphate and the associated uranium deposits in the southeastern part of the land-pebble phosphate district of Florida.
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Mineralogy and Alteration of the Phosphate Deposits of Florida
A detailed study of the mineralogy and chemistry of the phosphate deposits of Florida.
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Uranium in Phosphate Rock
A study of the distribution and occurrence of uranium in phosphate deposits of the world.
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Mineralogy and Chemistry of Samples from a Drill Hole in the Southern Extension of the Land-Pebble Phosphate District, Florida
Economics of phosphate mineralogy and chemistry in an area of possible future mining.
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Stratigraphy, Paleontology, and Economic Geology of Portions of Perry and Cochran Quadrangles, Georgia
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The Geology of the Florida Land-pebble Phosphate Deposits
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Reports of Decisions in Probate
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Preliminary Note on the Minor-metal Content of Florida Phosphate Rock
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U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin
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