Synopsis of Ophthalmology
Synopsis of Ophthalmology, Sixth Edition provides information pertinent to the main aspects of ophthalmology. This book provides the correct diagnosis and treatment of many ocular disorders. Organized into 15 chapters, this edition begins with an overview of the various disorders of the eyelids, including cystic lesions, tumors, involution entropion, and neurogenic ptosis. This text then explains the cause of infiltrative ophthalmopathy, which is the increase in mucopolysaccharides in extraocular muscles leading to enlargement, fibrosis, and restrictive myopathy. Other chapters consider some of the more serious ophthalmological emergencies, including retinal vascular disorders, intraocular tumors, inflammatory glaucomas, retinal detachments, uveitis, conjunctivitis, corneal lesions, cataract, ectopia lentis, and acquired maculopathies. This book discusses as well the earliest clinical manifestations of age-related macular degeneration. The final chapter deals with the diagnosis, clinical features, signs and treatment of myopathies of extraocular muscles. This book is a valuable resource for ophthalmologists, clinicians, and postgraduate students.