7 Tools to Beat Addiction
Whether you are battling drugs, nicotine, alcohol, food, shopping, sex, or gambling, this hands-on, practical guide will help you overcome addiction of any kind. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction but do not find that twelve-step or other treatment programs work for you, 7 Tools to Beat Addiction can help. Internationally recognized expert Dr. Stanton Peele presents a program for addiction recovery based on research and clinical study and grounded in science. His program utilizes proven methods that people actually use to overcome addiction, with or without treatment. 7 Tools to Beat Addiction offers in-depth, interactive exercises that show you how to outgrow destructive habits by putting together the building blocks for a balanced, fulfilling, responsible life. Dr. Peele’s approach is founded on the following tools: • Values • Motivation • Rewards • Resources • Support • Maturity • Higher Goals This no-nonsense guide will put you in charge of your own recovery.