All I Ever Needed (The Compass Club Series, Book 3)
Lady Sophia Colley, daughter of the late Earl of Tremont, faces mercenary relatives demanding she marry the money her funds-poor father failed to leave them. Gabriel Whitney, Marquess Eastlyn (East to his friends), is tasked by the Crown with opening new trade with China. Calling upon his three boon companions: South, North, and West--The Compass Club--for aid, two things stand in East's way: The Society of Bishops, a group of men who were East's boyhood tormenters, and false rumors of his engagement to Lady Sophia Colley. When East arrives at Lady Sophia's doorstep to dispel the rumor, the last thing he expects is to be entranced by a woman who's lived beneath his notice. East proposes on the spot. Sophie turns him down flat. The desire between them may be impossible to deny, but deny it she must to protect East from a past intrigue that is about to place them both in very present danger. REVIEWS: "Jo Goodman is a master at historical romance." ~Fresh Fiction THE COMPASS CLUB, in series order Let Me Be The One Everything I Ever Wanted All I Ever Needed Beyond A Wicked Kiss THE DENNEHY SISTERS, in series order: Only My Love My Heart's Desire Forever in My Heart Always in My Dreams Only in My Arms THE MARSHALL BROTHERS, in series order: Her Defiant Heart His Heart's Revenge THE THORNE BROTHERS TRILOGY, in series order: My Steadfast Heart My Reckless Heart With All My Heart