-- A leader in the field! -- Features leading contributors from the fields of maternal-fetal medicine, anesthesiology, neonatology, internal medicine, dermatology, genetics, and ethics, providing a real-life, interdisciplinary perspective. -- New chapters on fetal surgery and fetal therapeutic interventions, plus new discussions of follow-up to intrauterine birth restriction and the Barker hypothesis. Up-to-date and authoritative, this new 4th Edition provides easy access to vital information on current diagnoses, therapy, and management of the obstetric patient. It provides the reader with a firm foundation of knowledge in anatomy, embryology, physiology, pathology, genetics, and teratology -- all essential to successful practice in this fast-changing field. Reflecting significant improvements in antepartum and intrapartum fetal monitoring, diagnostic ultrasound, and prenatal genetic diagnosis, it thoroughly covers the problems encountered in clinical practice, as well as high-risk obstetrics. -- New appendix of anatomy illustrations, for faster access to this material. -- Expanded discussions of physiology and initiation of labor, surgical procedures in pregnancy, asthma management, and diabetes mellitus. -- Expanded coverage of the routine use of ultrasound in obstetric care and the use of Doppler for fetal assessment. -- Progresses from the "essentials" of obstetric practice to frequently encountered problems to high-risk obstetrics. -- Provides current information on anatomy, embryology, physiology, pathology, genetics, and teratology. -- Discusses recent improvements in antepartum and intrapartum fetal monitoring, diagnostic ultrasound, and prenatalgenetic diagnosis. -- Also available separately: Gabbe "Pocket Companion, " a portable version of the core text.