Conquer - The Story of Ninth Army, 1944-1945
Conquer: The Story of Ninth Army recounts in great and glorious detail the U.S. Ninth army as it campaigned against Nazi Germany in Europe during World War II. The Ninth Army reached France in September 1944 in time to play a leading role in the reduction of Brest and Brittany; further battles awaited them during the November Offensive and the counterattack against the Ardennes offensive. Their march into Germany saw further bitter conflicts and actions along the Roer, the Rhine, the Ruhr and the Elbe, before the Ninth Army was finally able to rest as part of the occupation forces in defeated of Germany. Richly illustrated with photos and maps of the actions of the Ninth Army in the ETO. “Conquer: The Story of Ninth Army is intended to present in broad form a brief account of that Army’s activities— tactical, administrative, and logistical. Considerations of space, time, and proportion have generally limited the mention of individual units to divisions and larger. In Ninth Army, however, as in any modern American army, these were only one-half of the troop strength. The other half comprised the large number of corps and army troops— cavalry, antiaircraft, engineer, chemical, field artillery, medical, military police, ordnance, quartermaster, signal, tank, and tank destroyer—the “supporting” troops, without whom the job could not have been done. And it is to these, most of whom wore the Ninth Army shoulder patch, that I wish to pay particular tribute here, without detracting in any way from the fine performance of the larger units.”—Lt.-Gen. W. H. Simpson commander of the 9th Army.