The Joy of Cooking
In this updated version, all the classic terms you'll find on menus, such asProvenale, bonne femme, meunire, and Florentine are not merely defined but fullyexplained so that you can easily concoct the dish in your own home. The whysand the wherefores of the directions are given throughout the book, helping youcreate recipes you never thought possible. A special emphasis on a vital cookingfactor--heat--is added in this new edition. Your best-laid plans can be either madeor marred simply by the temperature of a single ingredient. Learn exactly whatthe results of simmering, blanching, roasting, and braising have on your efforts.An enlarged discussion on herbs, spices, and seasonings tells you the suitableamount necessary in recipes. With more than 1,000 practical, delightful drawingsby Ginnie Hoffman and Ikki Matsumoto, you can learn how to present foodcorrectly and charmingly--from the simplest to the most formal service, how toprepare ingredients with classic tools and techniques, and how to safely preservethe results of your canning and freezing. No necessary detail to your success incooking has been omitted. Divided into three parts, Foods We Eat, Foods WeHeat, and Foods We Keep, The Joy of Cooking contains more than 4,500recipes with hundreds of them new to this edition. This American householdclassic is the most essential item for your kitchen.