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There is not one you. There are many yous. There is not one world. There are many worlds. Ours is one among billions of parallel earths. When Everett Singh's scientist father is kidnapped from the streets of London, he leaves young Everett a mysterious app on his computer: the Infundibulum, the map of all the parallel earths, the most valuable object in the multiverse. There are dark forces in the Plenitude of Known Worlds who will stop at nothing to get it. They've got power, authority, the might of ten planets—some of them more technologically advanced than our Earth—at their fingertips. He's got wits, intelligence, and a knack for Indian cooking. Everett must trick his way through the Heisenberg Gate that his dad helped build and go on the run in a parallel Earth. But to rescue his dad from Charlotte Villiers and the sinister Order, this Planesrunner's going to need friends. Friends like Captain Anastasia Sixsmyth, her adopted daughter, Sen, and the crew of the airship Everness. Can they rescue Everett's father and get the Infundibulum to safety? The game is afoot! Praise for Planesrunner “PLANESRUNNER is chock-full of awesome. Ian McDonald's steampunk London blazes on a vast scale with eye-popping towers, gritty streets, and larger-than-life characters who aren't afraid to fight for each other. The kind of airship-dueling, guns-blazing fantasy that makes me wish I could pop through to the next reality over, join the Airish, and take to the skies.” —Paolo Bacigalupi “Science fiction rules in this stellar series opener about a boy who travels to parallel universes. What joy to find science fiction based on real scientific concepts... Shining imagination, pulsing suspense and sparkling writing make this one stand out.” —Kirkus (Starred Review) “McDonald writes with scientific and literary sophistication, as well as a wicked sense of humor. Add nonstop action, eccentric characters, and expert universe building, and this first volume of the Everness series is a winner.” —Publishers Weekly
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For readers craving a humorous antidote to the sound and the fury of American politics, this clever satire, written in iambic pentameter in the style of Shakespeare, wittily fictionalizes the events of the first two years of the Trump administration. No one thought that MacTrump—Lord of MacTrump Towers, Son of New York—would ascend to the highest position in the kingdom. Yet with the help of his unhappy but dutiful wife Lady MacTrump, his clever daughter Dame Desdivanka, and his coterie of advisers, MacTrump is comfortably ensconced in the White Hold as President of the United Fiefdoms, free to make proclamations to his subjects through his favorite messenger, McTweet. The Democrati, mourning the loss of their cherished leader O’Bama, won’t give up without a fight. They still remember the disastrous reign of George the Lesser, and they can see Putain’s dark influence on MacTrump. Their greatest hope is MacMueller, tasked with investigating the plot that empowered MacTrump’s rise to the throne. As Desdivanka schemes to overthrow her father’s councilors, and as Donnison and Ericson—trapped in their own Rosencrantz and Guildenstern-like storyline—prove useless to their father, MacTrump soon realizes he has no true allies. Will he be able to hold on to his throne? Only time will tell in this tragicomic tale of ambition, greed, and royal ineptitude.
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Researching Health Care
Researching Health Care
First Published in 1992. Health care is currently under intense pressure both to be cost-effective and to deliver a service its users want. This text is an important contribution to the debate about the most appropriate research method for evaluating its effectiveness.
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Great Building Designs 1900 - Today
Great Building Designs 1900 - Today
Examines the development of architectural design from the Flatiron and Empire State Buildings to Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Shard in London, profiles noted architects, and discusses the design process.
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Konsumentenverhalten im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
Konsumentenverhalten im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
Anabel Ternès, Ian Towers und Marc Jerusel widmen sich der Frage, welche Konsummuster den Privatkonsum im Deutschland der kommenden zehn Jahren verändern werden. Dabei wird auf bereits absehbare Konsumtrends wie zum Beispiel E- und M-Commerce sowie Connected Retail Bezug genommen. Im Vordergrund stehen die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den stationären Handel und die Konsumenten. Die AutorInnen stellen u.a. dar, dass eine der zentralen Herausforderungen darin liegen wird, sich der Digitalisierung proaktiv zu stellen, um das Konsumerlebnis der Verbraucher zu verbessern. Doch auch die Grenzen des Onlinehandels werden aufgezeigt.​
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Steeped in the brilliance of the banal and the daily splendours of language, Wedde presents a beautifully controlled and ordered sequence of verse in Tendering: New Poems. The book was written, he says, 'in the ghostly presence of my great grandfather Heinrich Augustus Wedde, the last ship-rig pilot on Wellington harbour'. Powerful visions of ships, the sea and of Pacific voyages of exploration pervade the collection, as does that mean city to where the ships return home.
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Headhunting and the Body in Iron Age Europe
Headhunting and the Body in Iron Age Europe
This book examines the widespread evidence for the removal, curation and display of the human head in Iron Age Europe.
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Dieses Buch zeigt, wie auch Kleinanleger am größten aller Finanzmärkte, der Forex, teilnehmen können. Ziel dieser Publikation ist es (neben der Identifikation der zunehmenden Bedeutung des Devisenmarktes und der Teilhabe der Kleinanleger), darzustellen, welche Relevanz makroökonomische Nachrichten auf die kurzfristige Wechselkursentwicklung haben. Dabei wird auch im Kontext makroökonomischer Rahmenbedingungen und Einflussfaktoren ein Trend abgeleitet und die Korrelation zwischen ausgewählten Nachrichten und den Wechselkursreaktionen herausgearbeitet.
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Performing in Comedy
Performing in Comedy
Ian Wilkie contends that comic acting is a distinct art form, and as such demands a unique skillset. By exploring the ways in which performance choices and improvised moments can work in conjunction with texts themselves, Performing in Comedy offers an indispensable practical tool for enhancing comic performance. This volume is a must-read for any actors, directors or students who work with comic texts. Wilkie synthesises theories and principles of comedy with practical tips, and re-evaluates the ways in which these ideas can be used by the performer. Most importantly, these skills – timing, focus, awareness – are teachable rather than being innate talents. Exercises, interviews and guides to further resources enhance this comprehensive exploration of comic acting.
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Law, Text, Terror
Law, Text, Terror
Ian Ward places contemporary political and jurisprudential responses to terrorism within a broader literary, cultural and historical context.
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