Electric Guitar and Bass Guitar
Tipbooks are handy, accessible, thorough and convenient reference guides giving musicians everything they want to know about their instruments - and nothing they don't! They are written in collaboration with and proofread by musicians, teachers, technicians and other experts, and are ideal for beginners, students and advanced players. Features include: the instrument in bird's-eye view * lessons, teachers and practicing * dozens of clear illustrations * selecting and play-testing the instrument * a glossary - and all jargon explained * basic background information * price indications * the history and the family of the instrument * and more. As a bonus, special Tipcodes throughout the books give you access to much additional information (short movies, soundtracks, photos and more) at www.tipbook.com! The Electric Guitar and Bass Tipbook covers choosing and buying guitars and basses; brands; selecting, cleaning and changing strings; tuning; maintenance; accessories and more. "A wealth of information in a very compact form." (Guitar Digest)