Atonement and the Logic of Resurrection in Hebrews 9:27-28
The general believer waiting for salvation by Jesus hopes to see him appear while living or promptly at death. Comfort during loss of life usually portrays those passing now in heaven. Conversely, the more religiously academic, the less one thinks anyone, ever, goes to heaven. Trained scholars typically choose a closed heaven with temporal delays and spatial detours in limitation of God’s promises about “so great salvation.” “Better” typically perceives as a resuscitated flesh on earth that lives by decay of the surrounding creation. Hearing word-meaning by mapping creation with an old first-century option for plural heavens, this project reexamines the conversation recommended by the pastor in the letter to the Hebrews about promises regarding the twofold ministry of Christ. By analysis with current study tools, the conversation both challenges the common academy views and reintroduces a first-century hearing option for God’s speech concerning prompt, postmortem, Christ fulfillment into heaven. Listening includes the milk of the beginning teaching requirements for atonement and logic of resurrection to God immediately after death and judgment. Hearing senses the solid food about priestly intercession by Jesus after death at judgment to shepherd his believers for salvation into heaven a very little while after individual death and judgment.