Wrath of the Gods-Xibalba
Gucumatz, divine Heart of Heaven, Father and Mother of all There Is, conceived the pristine forest as den for animals large and small, but He never pledged it as dwelling for men because, for humans, the jungle is hell itself. Nevertheless, instigated by greediness, men invade its enclosure and unfailingly stumble into a collective madness that binds them to its roots, preventing their escape before their time is due. Inhabiting the jungle men turn into beasts that despise kindness and relinquish all virtues as they submit to wickedness. How can integrity be preserved living in hell? For the jungle is Xibalbá, the dwelling of demons. What do men look for in Xibalbá that, to live there, they are willing to lose not only their lives, but also their souls? Absolution, perhaps, because regardless of their origin, removing the mask of greediness they wear over their feelings, they reveal to be fugitives of their own consciences that arrive in Xibalbá to atone remorse, or expiate guilt, and for that they come from different and distant localities.