Loose Coins
AL SEARS had it all. Once a hot-shot criminal lawyer, he had a trophy wife, a fortune, and a respected position in local Memphis society. But he also had a drinking problem-- one that cost him everything: his career, his wife, his fortune, and his self-respect. Now sober, Al Sears is a licensed PI and part-time clerk in Ralph's coin shop, with a small apartment, an old car, and a chair at the Thursday-night poker game in the apartment above the shop. But even this peaceful existence is shattered when a shotgun-wielding intruder tries to knock over the game. The robber attempts to take Al hostage, but Al, sensing that this is more than simple theft, tackles him, narrowly avoiding a blast from his gun, and two of the other players shot the man to death. Already shaken by the experience, Al learns from the responding police officers that his intuition was correct-- this was no simple robbery. The dead man was a known hired killer-- one of the deadliest. Al has to face the truth that someone is trying to kill him. Given his past, any number of people could be to blame. Given the alcoholic haze in which he lived for years, he may not even remember the person who's now out to get him. Al must look into his own past, determine who is trying to kill him, and stop them before they succeed...