Circulation and communication spaces
Health building notes give "best practice" guidance on the design and planning of new healtcare buildings and on the adpatation/extension of existing facilities. They provide information to support the briefing and design processes for individual projects in the NHS building programme. Health Building Note 40, vol. 4, Common activity spaces is being republished into 3 documents. This document forms Health Building Note 00-04 and replaces HBN 40, vol. 4 (ISBN 9780113221875). Circulation spaces provide access within hospital departments whereas communication spaces provide access between departments and may include main hospital streets. This document provides guidance on the design of circulation and communication spaces in hospitals and other healthcare buildings, including corridors, internal lobbies and stairs, and lifts. It also provides supporting information on doors and handrails. The guidance is based on ergonomic research, including a study that investigated space requirements for bed movement along corridors and through doors.