Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Tills Practice Kit
These convenient Practice Kits include the materials needed for training and practice sessions with the Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills(TM) (TILLS(TM)), a test valid and reliable for assessing oral and written language skills in students ages 6 --18 years. The TILLS(TM) Practice Kit gives you and your trainees access to essential materials for learning about TILLS and, in the process, about standardized testing in general. The TILLS Practice Kits are ideal for use in preservice higher education courses and inservice trainings. They can help you introduce TILLS to aspiring or experienced professionals --and give them the practice they need to use TILLS and perform individualized assessment with confidence in future work settings. The TILLS Practice Kits are used to: Give trainees a complete overview of TILLS. Introduce the TILLS subtests and the three purposes of the assessment: identifying language /literacy disorders, documenting relative strengths and weaknesses, and tracking changes over time. Familiarize trainees with the 15 TILLS subtests. With the included Examinera (TM)s Practice Workbook, TILLS trainees will work through practice exercises for each subtest that prepare them for successful administration of the TILLS and other standardized tests. Provide concrete examples of standardized testing principles. Beyond testing with TILLS, the materials of the Practice Kit can be used to emphasize assessment principles in general, such as using start rules, establishing basals and ceilings, and using standardized instruction and scoring procedures with fidelity. Provide scoring practice. Using the Examinera (TM)s Practice Workbook and downloadable audio files, TILLS trainees will practice scoring and interpreting all subtests, with extra instructional material and practice examples for the Written Expression subtest. With this thorough introduction to a landmark language and literacy assessment, pre- and inservice professionals will be ready to use TILLS to enhance their future work in schools, clinics, and private practice. KIT COMPONENTS Note: Trainees each should purchase a Practice Kit for use in their coursework or TILLS training session. Instructors should have their own Practice Kit, and they may request a desk copy of the Examinera (TM)s Manual (as it is not included in the Practice Kit). Examinera (TM)s Practice Workbook: More than 100 pages of exercises on subtest administration, scoring TILLS, and interpreting results, plus a tutorial to help you master T-unit division. Practice Kit Downloads: The audio files and normative data tables needed to complete the scoring of the exercises in the Examinera (TM)s Practice Workbook (downloaded with a special code that is provided to the purchaser). Examiner Record Form (pack of 3): Two forms to work through the exercises in the Workbook for students of different ages, plus an extra copy of the form for additional practice. Quick Start Guide: A laminated trifold quick-reference guide to administration and scoring, perfect to take with you when using TILLS on the job and as a quick reference for trainees. Instructor PowerPoint Presentation: Ideal for use in courses and trainings, this slide presentation will support your instruction on the TILLS overview, the 15 TILLS subtests, examples of standardized testing principles, and TILLS scoring. Learn more about TILLS and explore the key benefits. Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills™ and TILLS™ are trademarks of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. The contents of TILLS were developed under Grant No. R324A100354 from the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the De