The Principal and Communication
The third of six volumes in the "Elementary Principal Series," this booklet is intended for beginning elementary principals desiring to develop an effective communications plan for reaching their various publics. The principal plays a key role in controlling both the quantity and quality of school communications. Although principals may feel more comfortable using one-way communication methods (newsletters, bulletins, and media announcements), they should also employ survey questionnaires, conferences, and other means to obtain feedback. Effective school communication plans are continuous, open, and frequent and involve staff and students. Elements characterizing healthy communications with staff include honesty, attentiveness, clarity, and consistency. The tone used in written or oral communications should reflect purpose and desired outcome. The principal must use every available avenue to communicate positive messages about the school tailored to different constituencies. Various communication methods (speaking engagements, newspaper and television coverage, and school newsletters), carry certain advantages and disadvantages. Telephone calls (both positive and problem) and conferences can be effective, if used appropriately. Tips are provided for communicating with peers and the central office. (12 references) (MLH)