DANES SAXONS and NORMANS - Stories of our Ancestors
The author has endeavoured to tell the events preceding the Norman Conquest in a popular manner, and to give an idea of the principal personages who figured in England at the period when that memorable event took place. He also endeavoured to treat the subject in a popular and picturesque style, without sacrificing the of historic truth. He has delivered a sweeping history of the major events in British history from the ninth century AD to the end of the Norman Conquest more than 200 years later, featuring the fascinating stories of the series of Vikings, Saxons, and Normans who blazed their way across England during that tumultuous time. Read of Rollo the Norman (“Rolfganger”), a Viking and first duke of Normandy, and his most famous descendent, William the Conqueror; and of the Danish invasion under Earl Godwin, the restoration of the Anglo-Saxon kings under Edward the Confessor, and many others, including the adventurers Siward the Dane, Harold Hardrada the Norwegian, Hereward the Saxon and others. =============== About the author: John George Edgar (1834–1864) was, despite his short life, a prolific English writer who produced fifteen books devoted to English and Scottish history, as well as being the first editor of Every Boy's Magazine. His life and work were tragically cut short by encephalemia at the young age of thirty. =============== KEYWORDS/TAGS: Danes Saxons and Normans, sweeping history, norman conquest, principal characters, ninth century, eleventh century, 9th C, 11th C, 10th C, Vikings, Rollo, Rolfganger, action, adventure, historical, fact, confessor, Ulf Uspakson, Alfred, Archbishop, army, assembly, Atheling, barons, Battle abbey, battle, Bayeux, Beauclerc, Bishop, Britain Briton blood, british history, English history, Canute, castle, cavalry, ceremony, Conqueror, Cospatrick, Count, country, crown, Danes, Danish, Denmark, duke, Durham, Earl, Edgar, Edward, Edwin, England, English, escape, Ethelred, exile, expedition, Fight Fitzosborne, Flanders, France, French, God, Godwin, gold, great, Hardicanute, Hardrada, Harold, Hastings, heart, Henry, Hereward, Holy, Hugh, Invade, Ivo, king, knights, Lanfranc, Leofric, London, Malcolm, Matilda, monks, Morkar, nobles, Norman, Normandy, north, Northumberland, Norwegians, oath, Odo, palace, Philip, Prince, Princess, Queen, Robert, Rolfganger, Rouen, royal, Rufus, Saxon, Scotland, Scots, Scottish, Siward, soldiers, spirit, Sweyn, sword, throne, Tostig, vanquish, Waltheof, war, warriors, Welsh, Westminster, William, Winchester, York,