A Treatise on the Breeding of Swine and Curing of Bacon
This special re-print edition of Henderson and Poore's book "A Treatise on the Breeding of Swine and Curing of Bacon" has not been available to those interested in pig husbandry since its release in 1814. This famous work on pigs and swine husbandry includes basic details on raising hogs, as well as insight into breeds of swine, field butchering and salting and packing hams, bacon and other pork products. A Treatise on the Breeding of Swine and Curing of Bacon will shed considerable light on how domestic pigs were raised in the early 19th century. Note: This public domain edition is a perfect facsimile of the original edition and is not set in a modern typeface. As a result, some type characters and images might suffer from slight imperfections or minor shadows in the page background. This edition is reprinted in accordance to Federal Law.