The Gift of Grandchildren
The Gift of Grandchildren gives a personal account of the author's current state of life and reflects on the awareness of one's own existence through the experience of becoming a grandparent. The book gives individual accounts of the author's grandchildren as they grow from infant to teenager and the relationship created to bond two distinct generations. The unique storyline of each grandchild is peppered with comment and observation from the author, which can easily be identified by today's grandparent, those about to embark on the blessing of becoming a grandparent, or those curious about the effects grandparents have on grandchildren and the special memories grandchildren give to the grandparent. The Gift of Grandchildren gives the reader a plethora of examples in respect to family traditions, mores, conversations, and endeavors, which are enhanced by the formation of the grandparent's knowledge and the grandchild's curiosity. These aspects of life are presented in a manner designed to bring laughter, contemplation, and spiritual reflection to the reader through recognition of events pertinent to the human experience. The Gift of Grandchildren was written with the idea of God's gift of life being very special for those parents who have entered the realm of becoming a grandparent. It is not only part of God's plan but a glorious aspect of the cycle of life.