Pearls from an Irritated Mind
A writing exercise evolved into a birthday gift for himself as the author passed 80. Gary Gruber celebrates his writing here in a different genre. He ended up with a small, enjoyable "coffee table book" intended for his family along with some close friends. He's glad and grateful to share it with a wider audience now. This little book covers a wide range of topics and 91 full color photos that illustrate the short, 55-word text on each opposing page. Most of the very short stories come from a personal observation or experience, many of them outdoors. Some stories have recognizable place names that will be familiar to many readers. For those who share Gary's interest in the outdoors, in the natural environment and travel, in change, and a brief excursion into technology, this book may stimulate thought and conversations worth exploring further. Like one of his previous books, Dr. Gruber had no idea that what he started would evolve into a published book, this one complete with photos. He received some able help with format and layout from LampLight Media Productions, some edits from his partner Susan, who works down the hall, and encouragement from family and friends who offered suggestions and affirmations. What you have here is a place holder, a marker along the way. Dr. Gruber's previous books include "Understanding and Enjoying Adolescence" published in 1988, now out of date and out of print, but still available; "Seven Decades: A Learning Memoir" published in 2013; and "Your Child, Your Choice: Finding the Right School for Your Child." (2014).