Full-Throttle Leadership
Steven Foster has one speed: Full-Throttle! It's that commitment to going flat out that, in 2013, led him to embark on a thirty-four-day, thirty-four-state, 13,000-mile solo motorcycle ride along the perimeter of the United States wearing a pair of combat boots to raise awareness and support for the Boot Campaign, a national veterans service organization where he serves as an ambassador and advisory board member. In Full-Throttle Leadership: Passion, Power, & Purpose on the Edge of America, Steven Foster recounts the most memorable places from "Sea to Shining Sea," but more importantly, the remarkable people who made his "Full-Throttle Leadership Ride" a life-changing experience. Each mile riding alone through wicked thunderstorms, scorching heat, a mountain wildfire, and the constant deluge of assorted bugs, dirt, and grime--provides the backdrop for stories of the people he encountered in small towns and big cities across America who exemplified what is truly at the core of great leadership: service, sacrifice, and a commitment to helping others navigate the challenges of their own personal and professional "ride." Their stories sustained him then and inspire him now as an advocate for giving back in the communities where we live, work, and meet; and it's that commitment that fuels his passion to inspire others to become "force multipliers for goodness." You don't have to ride a motorcycle to become a full-throttle leader, but Steven's journey as a biker, entrepreneur, and Force Multiplier for Good provides a road map for anyone on how to run wide open to serve the people who saddle up with you every day to do the work you do, whatever it may be. If ever there was a moment to throttle up and refuel your own leadership ride, that moment is now. ............................................................................................................. Steven G. Foster, CMP is available for speaking engagements and book signings. To inquire about an appearance at your event, email to info@foster-fathom.com Social Media Links www.linkedin.com/in/stevengfostercmp/ www.facebook.com/FosterandFathom www.youtube.com/FosterFathom