Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook 2010
The Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook 2010: Law and Practice Pack combines the Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook 2010 with the new Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook: Practice & Procedure The Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook 2010 is a fourth, fully updated, edition of the highly successful Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook. This compact and portable resource has been specifically designed to meet the reference needs of police officers while out on patrol. The book clearly explains and interprets the relevant legislation and powers of arrest, points to prove, practical considerations and related cases. Easy to access and navigate, the Handbook covers over 100 common offences in the areas of general crime, assaults, drugs, sexual offences, public disorder, licensing, and road traffic. It is written in a concise and accessible style, with a clearly structured format and handy icons to aid consultation. It covers a wide range of common offences and clearly explains and interprets the relevant legislation. At a glance you can access everything you need to make a quick, informed decision in a host of everyday policing situations. The fourth edition is fully updated and revised to cover all relevant changes in legislation, including the Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) Act 2008, Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007, Road Safety Act 2006, Finance Act 2008, Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 and the Serious Crime Act 2007. The book also includes updates to the Anti-social Behavior Act 2003, Mental Health Act 2007, and Traffic Fixed Penalty Notices (TFPNs), and provides updated guidance on the reclassification of Cannabis, Proceeds of Crime confiscation, animal welfare powers, and the standardization of PCSOs' powers. The book is accompanied by a useful companion website with quarterly updates to ensure content is up-to-date. The Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook: Practice & Procedure is designed to complement the law covered in Volume 1 by offering guidance on good practice in core policing areas. Aimed at junior patrol officers, student officers and trainee detectives, it draws together practical advice across a wide range of police duties, along with extracts and explanations of official policy and guidance from ACPO, the National Policing Improvement Agency and the National Center for Policing Excellence. The Handbook provides guidance on a structured approach to police work based on established national principles and practices and is divided into four parts: Evidence Management, which offers advice on the capture and handling of evidence with chapters on crime scene management, disclosure, witness and victim management and court procedure; Knowledge-based Policing, which outlines the National Intelligence Model, the Police Code of Conduct, ACPO values, human rights, planning and risk management and dealing with the media; Neighborhood Policing, which covers the principles and team structures, partnerships, problem-solving techniques and crime prevention; and Protective Services Policing which looks at the role of the first responder in major incident response, major crime, and civil contingencies. Commentary is accompanied with features such as boxed examples, checklists, diagrams, practical tips and flow-charts, to aid reader's grasp of the issues.