Best Practices in Port Environmental Data Management
Our current information on intra-port water quality will be shaken up by the growth of open science and the ecological transition. Open data follow the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reuse) and the transformation of ports requires pollution assessment tools that work alongside the green and digital transitions, but also elevate the conservation of biodiversity in our seas and oceans. Sentinel species in ports, such as mussels, oysters, limpets and urchins, allow us to biomonitor trace elements and heavy metals, as well as cathodic, organic and inorganic pollutants. The ecotoxicological variables and physico-chemical parameters in the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean (Pertuis Charentais) and the Mediterranean Sea (Corsica) allow us to use the WIBE (Water Interdisciplinary Biology and Ecology) Information System. State sovereignty is an important aspect of this study, as it encompasses their knowledge of the water quality of their harbors and the pathways towards open data for end-users. Oceanic, coastal and port environments are high on the agenda for both international and national organizations and local stakeholders. This book, focusing on the tools available for studying port water quality, emphasizes how science has multidisciplinary effects on society.