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Saintly Solutions to Life's Common Problems
Saintly Solutions to Life's Common Problems
Benefit from the thought-provoking holy wisdom of more than 350 saints, and come away equipped with truly saintly solutions.
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Our Peculiar Times
Our Peculiar Times
From the inimitable Fr. George Rutler comes this timely set of reflections on the ominous times in which we're living. From riots to pandemics, speech codes to behavior mandates, modern man is living in a time of eerie, fast-moving social change that is increasingly resembling some of the darkest periods of history. As we careen toward a breaking point, there persists a profound lack of perception abroad as to what is unfolding right before our eyes. Surrounded by widespread ignorance of history and loss of supernatural faith, we march forward in blindness, unable to perceive or imagine what is in store for us on the other side. Father Rutler dives deep into the relevant histories to put our modern times into a balanced perspective and provide us with moral applications that enable us to see, understand, and navigate our current circumstances. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in rousing our fellow Americans from their slumber and persuading them back to faith, hope, charity—and courage.
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Heaven Starts Now
Heaven Starts Now
Once we have encountered the Lord Jesus, how do we keep growing in Christ? How do we let the Lord mold us and make us into missionary disciples capable of spreading the gospel? Instead of just trying to get into heaven, how do we live the life of heaven now so that we can become saints? In this book, Michigan pastor Fr. John Riccardo helps us dive into the Scriptures so that we can apply them to our daily lives. In his inspiring and incisive way, Fr. Riccardo addresses the obstacles we all face in becoming mature disciples. How do we learn to forgive? How do we combat fear and understand suffering? How do we worship the Lord, love others as Christ loves us, and fully surrender our lives to God? If you’ve enjoyed Fr. Riccardo’s gifts of teaching and preaching through his broadcasts and podcasts, this book is for you!
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From Humdrum to Holy
From Humdrum to Holy
Do you attend Mass out of love rather than obligation? Are you closer to God now than you were a year ago? Are you able to keep a consistent prayer life? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, your spiritual life needs a jump-start. In Humdrum to Holy, popular priest and radio host, Fr. Ed Broom, will stir in you a holy reverence and spiritual joy that’ll point your soul to heaven. By following the wise counsel of this experienced spiritual advisor and confessor, you’ll first learn how to identify your “kryptonite” — those hidden sins in your life that keep God from working in your soul. Fr. Ed will walk you through the simple steps to creating a plan of life — your roadmap to the heights of holiness. In a clear, methodical, and practical way, you’ll learn how to cultivate virtues like patience and purity — virtues that are difficult to attain but essential for happiness in this life and getting into heaven in the next! You’ll discover some of the most potent Catholic traditions, such as lectio divina, that have made saints out of countless sinners. And he’ll show you how to transform pious practices such as Confession and Eucharistic adoration into a powerhouse of graces flooding into your soul. And finally, you’ll learn how to keep your spiritual life strong by forming a healthy conscience, and how the pains of suffering can be transformed into the tears of joy. Scripture tells us that where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. Our world needs saints, and God is offering you the graces needed to become one. Leave behind the humdrum spiritual life and open the door to the road to sainthood. Fr. Broom is ready to show you the way.
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Totus Tuus
Totus Tuus
"I am totally yours, and all that I have is yours." - St. Louis de Montfort Amidst the Nazi occupation of Poland and long days in forced labor at a quarry and chemical plant, young Karol Wojtyla - the man who would become Pope John Paul II - made a discovery that would change his life. He read the 18th century spiritual writings of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort and prayed St. Louis' thirty-three days of preparation for total consecration to Jesus through Mary. He understood anew that the purpose of a true devotion to Mary is to be directed into a deeper relationship with Jesus and the Holy Trinity. The consecration so marked his life that he would adopt St. Louis' phrase Totus Tuus (Latin for "Totally Yours") as his motto as bishop and later as pope. Saint John Paul II's adoption of this radical commitment to Jesus through Mary ignited a new flame in the hearts of countless Catholics all over the world. This fresh look at Marian consecration takes the themes and structures of St. Louis de Montfort's preparation for total consecration and incorporates the teachings and insight of Saint John Paul II, including prayer, contemplation, and resolutions that will open your heart to the life of the Holy Trinity. Through these thirty-three days of spiritual exercises you will discover how you can grow closer to Jesus through the heart of Mary, while becoming the very best version of yourself in a life of consecration.
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How to Grow in Faith
How to Grow in Faith
How to Grow in Faith challenges Catholics of all ages, especially young people, to ask questions, search for answers together, and discover how God loves each of them very deeply. Using Tweeting with GOD and Online with Saints as a basis, this book comprises a full, interactive catechetical program for participants, including online material, videos, mobile apps, social media, and assorted activities. Those engaged in youth, young adult, and adult ministries will find this to be a valuable resource, which can be used in religious education, sacrament preparation, RCIA, and marriage preparation. The program is versatile enough to be utilized by people who are completely new to the Faith as well as those searching to deepen their understanding. The personalized program consists of eighteen meetings and can be spread over the course of months and even years. Each meeting begins with a question that helps participants to explore their faith through interactive exercises and profound dialogue. Participants grow together while searching for answers that reveal the truth about life, love, and faith. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Father Michel Remery is a Catholic priest, founder of Tweeting with GOD, and author of several books, including Online with Saints. He studied architecture (1992–96) and worked for the Dutch Royal Air Force and as a consulting engineer before studying philosophy and theology in Rome (1999–2006). His Ph.D. dissertation was on the relationship between liturgy and architecture. As a priest, he has worked especially with young people and students. He served as Vice Secretary General of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (2012–17), overseeing commissions related to social communications, youths, and catechesis. In 2018, he continued his priestly ministry in Luxembourg as national youth chaplain and internationally as director of Tweeting with GOD.
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Straight to Heaven: A Practical Guide for Growing in Holiness
Straight to Heaven: A Practical Guide for Growing in Holiness
If you're hoping to get to Heaven, you'll need a plan to reach your goal. This handy manual not only presents all the elements of a life well lived; it also helps you incorporate those elements into everyday practice. Straight to Heaven is the one guide you need to achieve holiness now and Heaven later -- all while eluding the traps and pains of Hell. Fr. Morrow explains that happiness is attainable now for those who live the gospel because theyare bringing a bit of Heaven to earth. Conversely, those who fail to live the gospel are doomed to live a hellish life in this world and in the next. That's why Fr. Morrow wrote this book -- to help you put in place a practical plan to enable you to love God with your whole heart, mind, and soul. Fr. Morrow shows you how to discern andfollow God's will and improve your ability to extend mercy to others. Through engaging stories of individuals who lived heroically in difficult circumstances, you will discover ways to overcome vice and grow in the fruits of the Holy Spirit so you can become the saint God calls you to be. Most importantly, you will learn to keep your eyes fixed on the heavenly Wedding Feast and your eternal reward. You will also learn: The difference between meditation and contemplation How to grow in authentic sorrow for sin The three methods of prayer -- and when to use each The most effective aid to staying on the path to holiness How to overcome difficulties in prayer Three ways to display your love to God
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Divine Mercy Message and Devotion
Divine Mercy Message and Devotion
Discover why mercy is the mission of everyone in the Church! This is the handbook that has introduced millions of souls to the life-changing message that brings hope to a hurting world. It covers every aspect of the authentic Divine Mercy message and devotion - from the Feast and Hour of Great Mercy to the Chaplet and Novena, as well as selected prayers from the Diary of Saint Faustina.
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33 Days to Merciful Love
33 Days to Merciful Love
33 Days to Merciful Love is the stirring sequel to the international sensation, 33 Days to Morning Glory. Using the same 33-day preparation format, 33 Days to Merciful Love journeys with one of the most beloved saints of modern times, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and concludes with a consecration to Divine Mercy. So whether you want to deepen your love of Divine Mercy or have a devotion to St. Thérèse, 33 Days to Merciful Love is the book for you.
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Saint Justin of the Trinity
Saint Justin of the Trinity
Saint Justin of the Trinity: At the Service of Vocations By: Fr. Louis M. Caputo, S.D.V. Saint Justin dedicated his entire life to the service of vocations. He saw priests and consecrated people as ministers of sanctification, and he is the apostle of Universal Sanctification; to achieve universal sanctification priests and consecrated ministers are needed. Using his life as an example, author Father Louis Caputo hopes St. Justin may be a source of inspiration for many people and will show people that every life is a vocation.
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