Donavan's Story
My story is about an Irish family and some of the joys and woes they have. Also, I fit in some macabre elements, a little wolf stuff, not really bloody, maybe a little silly though. Nowadays, with all the vampire and werewolf stories, they get too bloody and violent. Mine is more on the side of keeping the people more sheeplike, not wolfish, as opposed to the violence and bloodshed in movies and stories today. Donavan, the main character, goes into a dream world one night in a cabin in the Canadian Rockies and sees his late mother and father and others, and a story unwinds in his mind, and tells him who his father really is. The saga goes from Kansas to Canada, Ireland, then Scotch Highlands. Like I said, it might be a little silly, and a little mixed up, but all in all, I think it’s good reading, especially the intimate parts.