Accept Apart
"Accept Apart" is a 2018 poetry, flash fiction, prose, and artwork collection book from Scars Publications (http: //, one of three 2018 collection books of selected acceptances of 2018 issues of cc&d magazine (http: // and down in the dirt magazine (http: // from Scars Publications (http: // and artists included in this book are also listed with their writing at the Scars Publications book link (search for the book title in the books section at http: // Writers and artists in this issue collection book include A.J. Huffman, Adam Randolph, Adam Szetela, Adrian Slonaker, Alan Catlin, Alistair Forrester, Allan Onik, Allen F. McNair, Andrew Cyril Macdonald, Arpit Rohilla, Arthur C. Ford, Sr., Barry Hill, Bekah Steimel, Benjamin Selesnick, Brian Looney, Brian Looney, Carolyn Poindexter, Carolyn Poindexter, CEE, Charles Hayes, Cheryl Townsend, Christina Lacourte, Clay Carpenter, Dan A. Cardoza, Dan Fitzgerald, David J. Thompson, David Michael Jackson, David Russell, David Turton, DC Diamondopolous, Deidre Jaye Byrne, Demond J Blake, Dominic Lim, Doug Hawley, Doug Van Hooser, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Dr. Shmooz / Daniel S. Weinberg, Drew Marshall, Edward Michael OíDurr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Elizabeth York Dickinson, Emily Jade Walker, Emily Strauss, Eric Burbridge, Erren Kelly, Fabrice Poussin, Frederick Pollack, Gale Acuff, Greg Eckert, Greg G. Zaino, Gregg Dotoli, Harvey Havel, Helen Bird ìInksanityî, I.B. Rad, James B. Nicola, James N. Thomas, Jane Stuart, Janet Kuypers, John F. McMullen, John Grey, John Kaprielian, John L. Stanizzi, John Zedolik, Joshua Copeland, Julie Weiss, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kilmo, Kyle J Cisco, Lael Lopez, Layla Lenhardt, Lee Conrad, Liam Spencer, Linda M. Crate, Logan Lane, M.C. Rydel, Marc McMahon, Margaret Karmazin, Mark J. Mitchell, Megan Mealor, Michael Ceraolo, Michael J. Harrington, Mike Schneider, Nancy Zhang, Natalie Segura, Olivier Schopfer, Pavol Janik, PhD., Peter LaBerge, R. N. Taber, Rae Monroe, Rene Diedrich, Rene Diedrich, Retta Lewis, Robert E. Donohue, Roger G. Singer, Ronald Charles Epstein, Russell Licciardello, Sandrine Berges, Scarlett R. Algee, Sheikha A., Suraj Alva, Thom Woodruff, Tom Ball, Travis Green, Uzeyir Lokman Cayci, Vincent Barry, W.E. Brower Jr., Wes Heine, William Ogden Haynes, Xanadu, and Zac Harris.