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Turnpike Flameout
Turnpike Flameout
The crash of a private jet in the New Jersey Pine Barrens is just the beginning of problems for faded rock star Turnpike Bobby Chin, who somehow survives the crash, as a sculptor who created an unflattering statue of the star vanishes and Bobby becomes the prime suspect in the case, unless pollster Jonah Eastman can come up with an alternative.
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Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Wisdom
Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Wisdom
"A brilliant and comprehensive introduction to the most seminal component of leadership: wisdom. The diversity of the readings and wisdom of the authors make this a most original and valuable addition to the management canon." —Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Management, University of Southern California and author of On Becoming a Leader "This wonderful compilation proves that management is as much art as science, and that deep thinking can inform and inspire practice to be more humane, ethical, and, yes, wise." —Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School Professor and best-selling author of Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End "If you′ll forgive a pun, this is a wise book about organizational and managerial wisdom. It shows what′s possible when some of our best thinkers turn their collective attention to such timely subjects as EQ, negotiation, global politics, and individual and organizational ethics." —Steve Kerr, Chief Learning Officer, Goldman Sachs, and Past President of the Academy of Management "One of the ′most promising′ forthcoming management books." —EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT "To wade into the topic wisdom is to see organizing differently. To wade into this volume is to see wisdom differently. Both forms of effort embody a wonderful moment of wisdom itself." –Karl E. Weick, Distinguished Professor of Organizational Behavior and Psychology,University of Michigan Some interesting issues emerge when one views organizations from a wisdom-based perspective. Does technology promote or inhibit wisdom? How do HR systems, organizational forms, management practices, and operational capabilities relate to wisdom? What are the ethical and social dimensions of wisdom? What makes a wise leader? Can wisdom be developed and utilized strategically? Do conceptions and manifestations of wisdom vary across cultures? Can one teach wisdom? Editors Eric Kessler and James Bailey have produced a ground-breaking compendium of globally renowned thinkers in the Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Wisdom. This Handbook systematically explores the characteristics of understanding, applying, and developing organizational and managerial wisdom. Key Features Organizes wisdom around the five primary philosophical branches—logic, ethics, aesthetics, epistemology, and metaphysics Applies wisdom in organizations and management through international examples that synthesize a set of practical principles for academics and practicing managers Offers an outstanding collection of world-renowned scholars who give profound insights regarding wisdom
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The Cause
The Cause
A major history of American liberalism and the key personalities behind the movement Why is it that nearly every liberal initiative since the end of the New Deal—whether busing, urban development, affirmative action, welfare, gun control, or Roe v. Wade—has fallen victim to its grand aspirations, often exacerbating the very problem it seeks to solve? In this groundbreaking work, the first full treatment of modern liberalism in the United States, bestselling journalist and historian Eric Alterman together with Kevin Mattson present a comprehensive history of this proud, yet frequently maligned tradition. In The Cause, we meet the politicians, preachers, intellectuals, artists, and activists—from Eleanor Roosevelt to Barack Obama, Adlai Stevenson to Hubert Humphrey, and Billie Holiday to Bruce Springsteen—who have battled for the heart and soul of the nation.
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Fur, Fortune, and Empire: The Epic History of the Fur Trade in America
Fur, Fortune, and Empire: The Epic History of the Fur Trade in America
A Seattle Times selection for one of Best Non-Fiction Books of 2010 Winner of the New England Historial Association's 2010 James P. Hanlan Award Winner of the Outdoor Writers Association of America 2011 Excellence in Craft Award, Book Division, First Place "A compelling and well-annotated tale of greed, slaughter and geopolitics." —Los Angeles Times As Henry Hudson sailed up the broad river that would one day bear his name, he grew concerned that his Dutch patrons would be disappointed in his failure to find the fabled route to the Orient. What became immediately apparent, however, from the Indians clad in deer skins and "good furs" was that Hudson had discovered something just as tantalizing. The news of Hudson's 1609 voyage to America ignited a fierce competition to lay claim to this uncharted continent, teeming with untapped natural resources. The result was the creation of an American fur trade, which fostered economic rivalries and fueled wars among the European powers, and later between the United States and Great Britain, as North America became a battleground for colonization and imperial aspirations. In Fur, Fortune, and Empire, best-selling author Eric Jay Dolin chronicles the rise and fall of the fur trade of old, when the rallying cry was "get the furs while they last." Beavers, sea otters, and buffalos were slaughtered, used for their precious pelts that were tailored into extravagant hats, coats, and sleigh blankets. To read Fur, Fortune, and Empire then is to understand how North America was explored, exploited, and settled, while its native Indians were alternately enriched and exploited by the trade. As Dolin demonstrates, fur, both an economic elixir and an agent of destruction, became inextricably linked to many key events in American history, including the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, and the War of 1812, as well as to the relentless pull of Manifest Destiny and the opening of the West. This work provides an international cast beyond the scope of any Hollywood epic, including Thomas Morton, the rabble-rouser who infuriated the Pilgrims by trading guns with the Indians; British explorer Captain James Cook, whose discovery in the Pacific Northwest helped launch America's China trade; Thomas Jefferson who dreamed of expanding the fur trade beyond the Mississippi; America's first multimillionaire John Jacob Astor, who built a fortune on a foundation of fur; and intrepid mountain men such as Kit Carson and Jedediah Smith, who sliced their way through an awe inspiring and unforgiving landscape, leaving behind a mythic legacy still resonates today. Concluding with the virtual extinction of the buffalo in the late 1800s, Fur, Fortune, and Empire is an epic history that brings to vivid life three hundred years of the American experience, conclusively demonstrating that the fur trade played a seminal role in creating the nation we are today.
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Turner's Human Landscape
Turner's Human Landscape
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Hardware Based Packet Classification for High Speed Internet Routers
Hardware Based Packet Classification for High Speed Internet Routers
Hardware Based Packet Classification for High Speed Internet Routers presents the most recent developments in hardware based packet classification algorithms and architectures. This book describes five methods which reduce the space that classifiers occupy within TCAMs; TCAM Razor, All-Match Redundancy Removal, Bit Weaving, Sequential Decomposition, and Topological Transformations. These methods demonstrate that in most cases a substantial reduction of space is achieved. Case studies and examples are provided throughout this book. About this book: • Presents the only book in the market that exclusively covers hardware based packet classification algorithms and architectures. • Describes five methods which reduce the space that classifiers occupy within TCAMs: TCAM Razor, All-Match Redundancy Removal, Bit Weaving, Sequential Decomposition, and Topological Transformations. • Provides case studies and examples throughout. Hardware Based Packet Classification for High Speed Internet Routers is designed for professionals and researchers who work within the related field of router design. Advanced-level students concentrating on computer science and electrical engineering will also find this book valuable as a text or reference book.
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Appraising Primary Headteachers
Appraising Primary Headteachers
All teachers in the UK will be appraised by 1995. Headteachers are included in the national scheme, but are to be treated somewhat differently from other teachers. This book looks at the problems of primary headteacher appraisal, seeking to help schools and LEAs wishing to set up their own schemes.
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Hinterland Dreams
Hinterland Dreams
In the 1840s, La Crosse, Wisconsin, was barely more than a trading post nestled on the banks of the Mississippi River. But by 1900 the sleepy frontier town had become a thriving city. Hinterland Dreams tracks the growth of this community and shows that government institutions and policies were as important as landscapes and urban boosters in determining the small Midwestern city's success. The businessmen and -women of La Crosse worked hard to attract government support during the nineteenth century. Federal, state, and municipal officials passed laws, issued rulings, provided resources, vested aldermen with financial and regulatory power, and created a lasting legal foundation that transformed the city and its economy. As historian Eric J. Morser demonstrates, the development of La Crosse and other small cities linked rural people to the wider world and provided large cities like Chicago with the lumber and other raw materials needed to grow even larger. He emphasizes the role of these municipalities, as well as their relationship to all levels of government, in the life of an industrializing nation. Punctuated with intriguing portraits of La Crosse's early citizens, Hinterland Dreams suggests a new way to understand the Midwest's urban past, one that has its roots in the small but vibrant cities that dotted the landscape. By mapping the richly textured political economy of La Crosse before 1900, the book highlights how the American state provided hinterland Midwesterners with potent tools to build cities and help define their region's history in profound and lasting ways.
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