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España sagrada
España sagrada
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Los trovadores
Los trovadores
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District Heating and Cooling Networks
Conventional thermal power generating plants reject a large amount of energy every year. If this rejected heat were to be used through district heating networks, given prior energy valorisation, there would be a noticeable decrease in the amount of fossil fuels imported for heating. As a consequence, benefits would be experienced in the form of an increase in energy efficiency, an improvement in energy security, and a minimisation of emitted greenhouse gases. Given that heat demand is not expected to decrease significantly in the medium term, district heating networks show the greatest potential for the development of cogeneration. Due to their cost competitiveness, flexibility in terms of the ability to use renewable energy resources (such as geothermal or solar thermal) and fossil fuels (more specifically the residual heat from combustion), and the fact that, in some cases, losses to a country/region's energy balance can be easily integrated into district heating networks (which would not be the case in a “fully electric” future), district heating (and cooling) networks and cogeneration could become a key element for a future with greater energy security, while being more sustainable, if appropriate measures were implemented. This book therefore seeks to propose an energy strategy for a number of cities/regions/countries by proposing appropriate measures supported by detailed case studies.
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District Heating and Cooling Networks in the European Union
District Heating and Cooling Networks in the European Union
This book evaluates the potential of the combined use of district heating networks and cogeneration in the European Union (EU). It also proposes measures to remove barriers hindering their widespread implementation, formulates policies for their implementation, and evaluates their economic, energy, and environmental consequences. The book presents a preliminary assessment of the likely cost and the impact of widespread adoption of district heating networks and cogeneration carried out in three cities that represent the variety of climatic conditions in the EU. Based on this assessment, it is estimated that by undertaking the maximum economically feasible implementation across the EU, fuel savings of €95M/year would be achieved, representing energy savings of 6,400 petajoules (PJ), which is around 15% of the total final energy consumption in the EU in 2013 (46,214.5 PJ). Using simple and quick calculations and not specific software, the method used allows the evaluation of the potential benefits of retrofitting existing power plants into cogeneration plants and connecting them to nearby heating networks. In light of increasing energy costs and environmental concerns, the book is of interest to heating engineers, city planners, and policy-makers around the globe.
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Sea Water Desalination in Microgrids
Sea Water Desalination in Microgrids
This book investigates the sustainability performance of system that use microgrids in desalination processes. Climate change may be especially dramatic in its effects on island environments. In these environments, aquifers and wells could become over exploited resulting the use of desalination plans. The synergies between water, energy, and food sectors have been identified as vital in achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. The book explores desalination and microgrids technically as well the economic and legal aspects that must be considered in order explore their techno-economic feasibility - analyzing how to improve the desalination process, proposing a method to locate and size a microgrid. Other synergies between the water, energy, and food system are discussed and the benefits to society that might result in these systems. Also, the lessons learned are highlighted in the context of how they may apply to other sustainable enterprises.
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Potential of Low-Medium Enthalpy Geothermal Energy
Potential of Low-Medium Enthalpy Geothermal Energy
This book highlights the importance of geothermal energy by studying its potential either alone or in combination with solar energy, focusing on its industrial application. Its starting point is to identify in a thorough and precise manner the barriers that hinder the implementation of geothermal energy in Spain and the European Union and the measures to be taken to achieve its diffusion and regular use. Next, the book looks at how geothermal energy could contribute to this sector and to the desalination industry in particular, analysing a specific case in the south of Spain and extrapolating its results to a set of existing desalination plants in the Spanish Mediterranean with really interesting results in terms of economic amortisation and CO2 emissions avoided to the atmosphere. Beyond the desalination industry, this work demonstrates that almost 85% of the industrial processes of all industry in Spain can be carried out with very low, low and medium temperature geothermal resources and even applies its results to a set of existing solar plants, comparing in economic terms the results already obtained with those that would have been obtained if geothermal energy had been applied.
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