The Complete Works of the Brontë Family (Anne, Charlotte, Emily, Branwell and Patrick Brontë)
This ebook edition contains the unabridged and complete works of the Brontë Family (Anne, Charlotte, Emily, Branwell and Patrick Brontë) with a detailed and functional table of contents. The Brontës were a nineteenth-century literary family associated with the village of Haworth in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England. The sisters, Charlotte (born 21 April 1816, in Thornton near Bradford), Emily (born 30 July 1818 in Thornton), and Anne (born 17 January 1820 in Thornton), are well known as poets and novelists. They originally published their poems and novels under masculine pseudonyms, following the custom of the times practised by female writers. Their stories immediately attracted attention, although not always the best, for their passion and originality. Charlotte's Jane Eyre was the first to know success, while Emily's Wuthering Heights, Anne's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and other works were later to be accepted as masterpieces of literature. The three sisters and their brother, Branwell, were very close and they developed their childhood imaginations through the collaborative writing of increasingly complex stories. The confrontation with the deaths first of their mother then of their two older sisters marked them profoundly and influenced their writing. Their fame was due as much to their own tragic destinies as to their precociousness. Since their early deaths, and then the death of their father in 1861, they were subject to a following that did not cease to grow. Their home, the parsonage at Haworth in Yorkshire, now the Brontë Parsonage Museum, has become a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Content: Charlotte Brontë’s Novels: JANE EYRE SHIRLEY VILLETTE THE PROFESSOR EMMA Charlotte Brontë’s Juvenilia: TALES OF ANGRIA MINA LAURY STANCLIFFE’S HOTEL THE STORY OF WILLIE ELLIN ALBION AND MARINA ANGRIA AND THE ANGRIANS TALES OF THE ISLANDERS THE GREEN DWARF Emily Brontë’s Novel: WUTHERING HEIGHTS Anne Brontë’s Novels: AGNES GREY THE TENANT OF WILDFELL HALL The Poetry: POEMS BY CURRER, ELLIS, AND ACTON BELL Patrick Brontë’s Works: COTTAGE POEMS TWO SERMONS “AND THE WEARY ARE AT REST” Branwell Brontë: BRANWELL’S POETRY