Leah and Lazar
Leah and Lazar are sister and brother. Lazar is cruel, witty, domineering--a young man at the mercy of his own flamboyant delusions. His worshipful little sister tests herself in the fast lane as a resourceful liar at 12, a hooker at 14, and a musician saved by her art five years later. Elizabeth Swados's first novel has the same erratic, cinematic imprint as the controversial theatrical productions she has created for producer Joseph Papp. The world she evokes is inhabited by suburbanites who vacation in Florida and return home to factory towns where underground chemical fires turn lakes into toxic swamps. People are maimed for life. Popular culture is the only signpost, and an unreliable buoy. Neurosis may be self-destructive, but at least it keeps people from being ordinary. --Debra Cash, Saturday Review, May 1982.