Don’t Let Life Stop You from Living
Dont Let Life Stop You from Living springs from the personal experiences and insights of Georgette Elizabeth Correa, who found the books title flowing through her thoughts one day while sharing a heartfelt conversation with a friend. The phrase has worked on her, giving focus to her reflections on how to live fully and richly. As she notes in the Introduction, We somehow allow circumstances to defeat us: we stop trying; we stop dreaming; we just stop. Then, we do just enough to survive by doing what we must, not what we want. We even give up on love, happiness, and unfortunately on ourselves. Life can be hard at times, but it only seems unbearable when you dont have a deeper understanding of who and what you are. Dont Let Life Stop You from Living notes the given things: each person has a life to live; life will throw challenges in ones path; changes are inevitable. What one does about these given truths is what makes ones life joyous or tragic. The choices one makes and the attitudes one adopts are the fruits of ones personal decisions. If you have the sense that, no matter what has happened to bring you to this point in your life, you stand in a spot where you can decide what will come next, then Dont Let Life Stop You from Living will encourage, embolden, and empower you to make those decisions and to live.