In the Stream of Life
Get ready to live side by side with Jennie Bethune, an 18 year old woman who at her arrival from Springfield, Massachusetts to NewYork City meets Matthew Worth, a wealthy young gentleman and experience love at first sight. Both male and female readers alike will be taken over and feel their deepest agonies as they sink into a harrowing tale of love at its deepest, misery at its worst, and hardship almost beyond belief as they read this tale of suspense and, mystery. The author has set you down in the midst of a truly memorable historical incident that was credited with the expansion and growth of the United States and helped to settle the barren country in the 1600's -namely the awful years of the building of the Erie Canal, a truly large event in the spread of the young nation. It drew immigrants from Europe and beyond, eager and willing to wield picks and shovels in the harshest weather and slip and slide, frequently sinking into the slime of the dreaded area known as the Montezuma Swamps to their death. The pay of 50 cents a day to shatter the Allegheny Mountains in the way of the path of the canal was the chore of the immigrants and as they died off they were replaced by the only other available men - those occupying jail space. Prisoners, "those leeches and drunks who were a drain on the government’s coffers." Experience an interesting look at exciting past history and the road of a man and a woman whose lives are separated and lost for a heart throbbing time that the reader, no doubt, will sense the agony in real time. You wil be riveted, unable to accomplish anything beyond the want of the next thrill and suspense involved throughout the book - unable to put it down for an instant, and quite ready to immediately open it again on Chapter One.