Carole A. Feuerman
"Carole A. Feuerman's sculpture combines superrealist technique with a humanist approach to her subjects. This first monograph on her work is filled with David Finn's dramatic photographs covering two decades of her work, including many enlarged details and multiple views, providing a cinematic, almost three-dimensional experience. The work - in resin, cast marble, bronze, and other materials, often painted - ranges from early erotic reliefs through full-scale sculptures of athletes and nudes. Her women at their toilette are sculptural tours-de-force, yet their intimacy recalls Degas's works on similar themes. Recent fragments and body mappings are experiments with abstraction, deconstruction and conceptualism, at the same time that they explore the emotional life of their subjects penetrating to their spirit." "All of Feuerman's work reflects the two aspects of her vision. Her work is motivated by questions about the nature of reality, and her remarkable skill as an artist leads the viewer to the same questions. Yet beyond the simulacrum of reality, Feuerman also manages to convey the feeling behind the intense physicality, the passion and sensuality behind the seemingly mundane pose."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved