A 31-Day Guide To Good Parenting
Every parent, including myself, wants the best for their child. It is up to every parent or parents to give them the necessary tools and skills to be successful. Wishing alone will not make it happen. Raising kids is expensive, but a lot of the things that great parent(s) need to do, do not have to cost a lot of money. However, it does require a commitment to put your child first and do the things that will demonstrate great parent skills. This 31-Day Guide to parenting is a simple tool that any parent can use to assist them in raising their child. Think about it—they will always belong to you, and you certainly want what’s best for them and you want them to always give their best, so it is up to you to teach them. If someone promised you that if you made major sacrifices for your child on an ongoing basis, gave of your time unselfishly, and made sure you provided as best you could, your child would grow up to become a productive, successful citizen…would you do it? Of course, you would. So, make the sacrifice today, while they are growing up and moving through the various phases to adulthood, and you will always be proud of them. Does this mean that you or the children will never make mistakes? No—a thousand times, no. However, if you give it 100 percent of all you have to give each and every day, you will never go wrong! There is something about being a parent that is mighty special. Every parent should love their child unconditionally. Please know that it is definitely the toughest job you will ever have; however, the rewards of raising a successful child far outweigh the difficulties you will face raising children. I hope that this 31-Day Guide will serve as a resource to help you as you raise your child. Please know that you will not find all the answers in this book, but you will find great strategies that great parents use when raising children.