The story of the New Testament’s transmission is one of dedication, resilience, and faithfulness. In The Early Versions of the New Testament: Their Origins, Transmission, and Reliability, Edward D. Andrews recounts how imperfect yet committed individuals worked tirelessly to translate and preserve the sacred texts, ensuring that the message of the apostles could be shared with people across the world. This book provides an in-depth exploration of the major early versions, including the Diatessaron of Tatian, the Syriac translations (Old Syriac, Peshitta, Philoxenian, and Harklean), the Latin traditions (African, European, and Jerome’s Vulgate), the Coptic versions (Sahidic, Bohairic, and others), the Gothic Bible, the Armenian and Georgian translations, the Ethiopic versions, the Old Church Slavonic tradition, the Arabic versions, and the Nubian version. Each chapter reveals how these translations arose within their unique cultural and historical contexts, helping readers understand the labor and sacrifices of those who brought the Bible into new languages and regions. Designed for pastors, teachers, and believers, this book offers insights into the remarkable journey of the Bible’s text, from its origins in Greek manuscripts to its widespread availability in diverse languages. By examining the stories behind these translations, readers will gain a greater appreciation for how the Word of God has been passed down through generations. For anyone who has ever wondered how the Bible came to us, The Early Versions of the New Testament is an essential resource that illuminates the history and legacy of Scripture’s transmission.