South Texas Shaman
This little book has a selected number of truthful anecdotes of some early supernatural experiences I went through beginning in October, ’72, during my graduate work in Social Work at Our Lady Of The Lake University, here in my beautiful hometown San Antone (some good folks call it San Antonio), as part of a pre-Destined, much larger spiritual Training that ended up stretching out some 33 years, and which I feel I am supposed to share with all you good people. But this is not about me: we ALL have Gifts, as Jesus repeatedly taught, and Demonstrated, whether we yet know it or not, and the Training has been HARSH, so I am bold in my Testimony, not being naïve about the dangers inherent in provoking controversy. This is (emboldened, admittedly) Testimony of the Guidance and Power and Love of my best Friend and Buddy since ’72, my beloved Lord Jesus, the coming Messiah and true King of the Mother Earth, Her peoples, and all of Nature (IN OUR LIFETIMES, ACCORDING TO MY TRAINING AND GIFTS, AND THE SIGNS NOW INCREASINGLY OBVIOUS, ALL AROUND US). There is an obvious progression of events that occurred during the Training, according to my Lord Jesus’ far-seeing purposes, so I have attempted to share that in a “scientific” way, if you would, -how one incident led to another, way down the road of linear time (but perfectly connected, in God’s timing). Such is the case with THE STORIES BEHIND THE PICTURE, with 13 of the early supernatural occurrences over a nine year period (’72 to’81) that led up to the picture (The Three Wood Dragons and Power Rock). Briefly, I have been close to my beloved Nature all my life, with both sides of my Family being solid, wonderful, country folk with deep spiritual values, raised in deep wilderness areas in south and east Texas, and all my young days my three cousins and I spent hunting and fishing, running through all those woods and creeks, just sitting, watching, listening to, and appreciating, all manner of wildlife (and the powerful, silent Music of God, out there). As soon as I learned to pray (ironically, through a beautiful 12th century Japanese Buddhist technique, explained in the book: please see A CHRISTIAN ADAPTATION OF THE NICHIREN SHOSHU JAPANESE BUDDHIST PRAYER CONSIDERATIONS), I went before my Lord Jesus on Nature’s behalf, and She has rewarded me (according to the Nagual, Don Juan’s, terminology- see the entire Carlos Castaneda works) in countless, exquisite ways, including the FOUR PHYSICAL OBJECTS GIVEN FROM SUPERNATURAL BEINGS: THE POWER ROCK AND THE THREE WOOD DRAGONS, given by the Astral Shaman and the Serpent Seraphim, as the Bible calls the supernatural Spirit Animals (well known by the Native Americans, before their genocide at the hands of the invading Europeans). I have created this little book (a larger one is still ahead, with more detailed Testimony (about 250 pages, most now handwritten), from a website, and added some special pieces from the larger manuscript. Some is deadly serious, but a lot of the pieces are definitely NOT serious, as you will see. Ya gotta keep a sense of humor all the time, do you not (Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer were my heroes: they made a Party out of everything, just as an aging Hippie is obliged to do). I must stress that the Jesus Whom I have known since 1975 as my Savior, best Buddy, and Confidante, is NOT the Jesus portrayed through the centuries through evil people and organized “religion”, who have given Him a bad name among our Spiritual Families all over this planet. As the Testimony details, Jesus brought me to Himself through a beautiful twelfth-century Japanese “Buddhist” prayer technique (all prayers to the Creator are “techniques”), Nichiren Shoshu, which brought my first answered prayer in 1974, a full year before I learned Jesus was behind my Training. On the contrary, He has taught me since the beginning that ANYONE WHO CALLS