The book titled “Counselling for Functional and Sustainable Education: A 21st Century Approach” is a maiden edition of Science and Education Development Institute (SEDInst) intended for student, neophyte and professional counsellors, care givers, researchers and all that need help in educational, vocational and personal-social matters. Education is an informal and formal teaching and learning process aimed at improving knowledge and the development of skills from elementary to higher education. Counselling is a significant means of functionalising and sustaining education through its array of qualitative services meant to make education goals meaningful and achievable to its recipient. The main objective of the book which is a blend of chapters on reviewed and empirical studies is to equip individuals with relevant data for subsequent researches, satisfy their personal quest for knowledge and meet their needs. The book contains a total of ten chapters that began with an introductory presentation on “Counselling for Sustainable Education: Issues in the 21st Century” and ended with “Impact of Anxiety, Self-Concept and Truancy on the Off-Task Behaviour of primary school Children in Warri Metropolis”. Each chapter, especially chapters eight to ten were carefully selected and written with accurate and appropriate literature review, methodology, discussions, findings and recommendations. We give God all the credit for His enabling grace in making this book a reality and we deeply appreciate the privilege given to us by Mr. F. O. Abulude, the president of Science and Education Development Institute (SEDInst) in ensuring that a book chapter in counselling is accorded its apt position in the scheme of things in academic environment. The effort of meaningful scholars who contributed various chapters and authors whose materials were used that cumulated to the success of the book is also acknowledged. This edition will create possibility for subsequent editions in the realm of counselling. Dr. (Mrs) Agbajor, Helena Tsaninomi Editor – in – Chief Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education, P.M.B. 1251, Warri, Delta State, Nigeria.